Saturday 25 April 2015


Hi there!

Welcome to my new blog Heroes and Beyond.  This is an idea I've been toying with for a while and after the sheer awesomeness of last weekend decided it was time to actually do it!  I'm not new to blogs, I've been doing a blog dedicated to Broadway's Aladdin since its pilot production way back in 2011, but this one is going to be a little bit different from what I've done before.  This blog is going to be about everything I'm interested in, so that's going to be Star Wars, super heroes, Disney, comic books, maybe some video games, anything that really takes my fancy.  I'm not going to try and be a news site (there are others that do that far better than I ever could) but I'll certainly be posting opinions, reviews, all sorts of things like that.  So, why Heroes and Beyond?  Well, I wanted a name that could cover all of the things I wanted to blog about and one thing they all have in common, from Disney to DC Comics, is a hero.  Whether it be a classic super hero like Superman, a bookish beauty like Belle or a farm boy turned Jedi like Luke Skywalker, there always seems to be a hero in everything I love!  Hopefully there will be a little something here for everyone but I'm really doing this for me.  I love doing the Aladdin blog and wanted an outlet for my other passions.  I hope you enjoy!

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