Saturday 15 April 2017

"It's So Much Bigger" - Thoughts on Luke Skywalker & The Last Jedi

It's no secret that I'm a massive Luke Skywalker fan and now I've had some time to process The Last Jedi's incredible teaser trailer (and re-watch it like 10 times) I can't help but speculate on where they might be going with the character in both The Last Jedi and the sequel trilogy in general.

My first thoughts on watching it (besides the typical OMG that was amazing) were this reminds me so much of The New Jedi Order.  But more on that in a moment.  It also reminded me of speculation I had for Luke following EW's preview article on The Force Awaken's back in 2015.  And Daisy Ridley's comment at the panel about being careful of meeting your heroes also reminded me of that.

"Who is Luke Skywalker?" That was the question that ultimately convinced J.J. Abrams to do The Force Awakens.  EW wrote;

"After all these years, we thought we knew him, but what if there was more to that Tatooine farmboy? Or… what if there was less?"

Just like this new teaser has fans speculating what the end of the Jedi could mean, that question, "what if there was less?", really got inside my head.  Back then I wrote this;

"Our only image of him is alone with only his faithful droid by his side.  In those circumstances, has Luke become less than what we expected him to after Return of the Jedi?  Is then Luke's story in this trilogy a different form of redemption story?  Redemption not from his own dark side but from his inaction allowing darkness to rise and spread in the galaxy?  An arc that will see him leave his apparent isolation to finally fulfil Yoda's instruction, passing on what he has learned and bringing back the Jedi."

It was speculation based on a single image in the teaser trailer but nothing in the film really changed it.  If anything Luke was more alone because he didn't even have Artoo with him.

"It's time for the Jedi to end."

Is this Luke at his lowest?  In isolation.  Defeated.  Unwilling to try again after Ben's betrayal and the massacre of his fledgling Jedi Order.  Twice now a promising Jedi has fallen and all Luke's done is repeat the mistakes of the past.

At its simplest this could be a story of Rey bringing Luke out of his isolation and back to the Jedi, convincing him the Order is worth reviving (basically the arc I speculated back before The Force Awakens).  But I'm no longer sure that's the case.  One line in the teaser changed my views on Luke's arc for this film and the Sequel Trilogy;

"It's so much bigger."

Like I said at the start, if there's one thing this teaser made me think of it was The New Jedi Order novel series and Jacen Solo.  In that series, before subsequent the retcons and Legacy of the Force debacle, Jacen reached a deeper understanding of the Force, a Unifying Force that encompassed both light and dark that he was able to balance within himself as he momentarily achieved oneness with the Force at the climax of the series.  That's really oversimplifying it but he also realised that this was not a discovery but a rediscovery of old knowledge that had been lost.

Luke asks Rey what she feels.  She speaks of the light, the dark and the balance.  "It's so much bigger."

We're told in The Force Awakens that after the massacre Luke sought the First Jedi Temple.  Could it be that here he made the same rediscovery that Jacen did in the old Legends series?  That light and dark are only partial truths and the Force is so much more?

From the beginning of the Saga we're told that the Force is out of balance.  The death of both the Sith and the old Jedi order in Return of the Jedi restored the balance (at least for a time) leaving Luke as the start of something new.  Could it be that in trying to rebuild the Jedi Luke unintentionally upset the balance that he helped restore?  Is that how Luke sees the fall of Ben and the rise of the First Order?

But his isolation had consequences to as the New Republic fell and Han died at his son's hand.

"Pass on what you have learned."

I always assumed this meant rebuild the Jedi Order.  But what if it didn't?  The old Jedi Order was far from perfect and it was only in rejecting Yoda and Obi-Wan's instruction to confront/kill Vader that Luke redeemed his father and succeeded where they failed.

"It's time for the Jedi to end."

Luke may be the last Jedi, but with new (or old) knowledge of the Force he may also be the first of something new.  Something potentially great, more unifying.  Something that's so much bigger.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Star Wars Celebration is Here!!


Didn't think I'd post on this blog again (I just never seem to have the time) but this is Star Wars Celebration and I'm hyped!!

Ok, technically it starts tomorrow but every Celebration fan knows that it really starts the day before with the now legendary over night queues and a pizza dinner courtesy of Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm!  So totally jealous of everyone lucky enough to be there this year.  I had a blast at Celebration Europe last year and I'm gutted that I can't be in Orlando this year but I'll be there in spirit watching the live stream every step of the way!

Last year was incredible but this year promises to be even more epic, kicking off with a celebratory 40 Years of Star Wars panel that we're promised will set the tone for the whole weekend.  Now, the rest of the weekend promises some pretty massive events (like, oh, a teaser trailer for The Last Jedi!!) so I'm really excited to see what they have in store here.

Then there's star panels with Billy Dee Williams (man that dude needs to be in the sequel trilogy at some point), Ian McDiarmid and Ray Park, plus a panel with Dave Filoni called "Animated Origins and Unexpected Fates".  Now, last year the Rogue One panel was amazing but my favourite was probably the Rebels panel, Dave Filoni certainly knows how to work a Celebration audience and this panel could reveal anything from more Clone Wars secrets to a new animated series so it's definitely one to watch.  I pray they put it on the live stream.

And that's just Thursday!  Friday features a star panel for the awesome Warwick Davis (who was a fantastic stage host at Celebration Europe), The Making of Rogue One and a little something called The Last Jedi.  And, of course, Mark Hamill's Tribute to Carrie Fisher.  A panel that will hopefully be as beautiful and witty as the woman herself, a true celebration of her life.

Saturday brings the Rebels Season 4 panel to the Galaxy Stage.  Last year they screened the first two episodes but looking at the panel times I don't think they're doing that this year but we should still see an awesome trailer, some clips and, of course, some teases and hints at the future from Dave Filoni (Ahsoka Lives?).  And speaking of the future, that really seems to be the theme of the day! The premiere of Battlefront II (ignoring that little leak we had earlier!), panels for Del Rey Books and Marvel Comics, all certain to reveal plenty to look forward over the next few months and capped off by a Disney Parks panel that's sure to bring exciting news about the upcoming Star Wars lands, like I really needed another reason to go back to Walt Disney World!  All that and an Anthony Daniels panel as well!! Last year he read the story of Threepio's red arm, hopefully he'll have another story to tell this year.

Sunday brings it all to a close with the Jedi Master himself taking the stage (Mark Hamill's panels are worth it for so many reasons but just hearing that Joker voice in person is top of the list!), a special look at the droids of Star Wars with Warwick Davis (hopefully they'll roll out BB-8 for this one!) and, of course, the Closing Ceremony, looking back at the highlights of the weekend and hopefully teasing the future as well (Celebration 2019 here we go!!)

And that's just my highlights! There's so much to see and do at Celebration you can never fit it all in!  Can you imagine trying to do everything I'be mentioned above (ignoring panel clashes for a moment) plus grabbing a bite to eat, seeing the show floor, getting into (or at least trying to) the Celeration Store.  Thank God for the live stream and YouTube panel videos! Even if you are there you'll need them to catch what you've missed!

But more than anything, even more than the panels and the trailer debuts, Celebration is about the fans. Meeting other people that love Star Wars as much as you is the best reason to go to Celebration and the reason why some of my fondest memories from last year are the night we spent on the convention room floor, sharing stories and making new friends who we're still in touch with today (and who are queuing up in Orlando right now, not that I'm jealous or anything!). There really is no other convention like it, everyone is connected by Star Wars and it feels great!

Now I've got to start saving for 2019, that'll be a celebration of the complete Skywalker Saga and something I don't want to miss!

May the Force by with you!